Friday, August 28, 2009

D&D Make it to Mary's Town Hall in Reserve, LA

We had another exciting trip to the river parishes of Louisiana yesterday. Below are just a couple of the many concerned citizens we spoke to. I'm not going to waste much of your time with me trying to recount everything from memory- just check out the videos and see what you think!

First, here are a few clips from the town hall meeting:

This young gentleman said it best: Bi-partisan reform is the way to go!

This next one was a great conversation we had. She mentions all sorts of effective ways to reform health care AND NO MENTION OF A PUBLIC OPTION!


1 comment:

  1. In response to the woman from Houma. We had tort reform. Did rates go down? No! They went up.

    If you have interstate commerce, then the Federal Government has the authority to regulate it under Article I Section 8.

    And who is denying elderly people healthcare again?

    And I do not know many people with VA or Medicare who would be willing to give that up in the open free market system. They are more than happy with their healthcare.

    And I am more than happy with my private healthcare plan that is provided to me by my employer.

    But the millions of uninsured an underinsured need to get coverage as well. Nobody should die because they cannot afford health insurance. Nobody should go broke because a member of their family got sick.
