Monday, October 19, 2009

You know you're spoiled by a sub-tropical climate when...

Yes, it's 60 degrees and you're FREEZING!!! But I have to admit, I love the coincidence the day and subsequent weekend after that lady asks President Obama about cap and trade and green energy in the Town Hall meeting, prefacing the question with, "it's 90 degrees in the middle of October, something's not right," the temperature drops. Well it's 60 degrees now, happy? I didn't think so.

What does this have to do with health reform? Nothing, I'm just cold and embittered that that lady in the town hall jinxed us with cold weather. And so I'm beginning this entry by rambling a bit to keep my fingers moving so they don't freeze and fall off. But cap and trade and climate change are not the matter of this blog, health reform is. 

Above, as you can see, is another video blog entry featuring our friend David Huguenel at the University of New Orleans for President Obama's Town Hall. I had the pleasure of seeing the President, motorcade in tow, at MLK Charter School in the Lower 9. It was pretty spectacular. We set up some campaign signs along the drive route and waved some at the POTUS as he drove by. We're very grateful to President Obama for making health care reform such  a high priority. It's always a huge political risk to undertake something so massive and treacherous, and I cannot express the the respect I have for him showing the courage to take this on. I can only hope he takes to heart our message: spare small business additional taxes, foster competition and wellness, and don't create a new federal bureaucracy named 'public option'! 

I hope that last one comes as a given, but we can never be too perseverant. Especially in this chilly economic climate. More government inevitably means more taxes. Even the recently-passed-out-of-committee Baucus proposal means more taxes. Hopefully as debate progresses in the Senate and they begin to reconcile the ice-water-in-its-veins HELP bill with the less-than-tepid Finance Committee bill, some brave legislators (like our own Mary Landrieu?) will propose some amendments we can warm-up to. 

Until then, bundle up...

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